July 9, 2009

Not much of a reader either

Not reading it regularly, I'm under the impression that the purpose of Andrew Breitbart's whiny website Big Hollywood is mostly to bitch about how conservatives don't "succeed" in Hollywood. This fascinates me, because any time the right whines about this, they do so in a way that proves exactly why Republicans don't succeed in Hollywood:* they simply pretend they do and seem to be satisfied stopping there. It's the entertainment media version of fabricating crowd counts.

I dealt with this before when Andrew Sullivan decided to re-invent the Academy classification of documentaries for the purpose of pretending that Michael Moore's films don't make millions. John Rogers, who working in Hollywood actually knows something about it, penned the digital equivalent of making Jason Apuzzo cry.

So, thanks to TBogg, here's Big Hollywood apparently declaring that Borat didn't actually make a lot of money. And even if it did, it's still not as good as An American Carol, which would have made tons of money if only for the fact that it didn't. Or something.

In the right-wing mind, movies like An American Carol were vastly popular, Star Wars was the greatest film of 2004, and all the money people like Michael Moore and Sasha Baron Cohen made doesn't actually exist. I'm not really sure what else to say about this, except that it sort of gives a better idea of why so many Republicans also seem to think Sarah Palin is president.

*Except for all the ones who made billions in action movies, the guy who won two Oscars for directing, the guy who became Governor of California, the host of one of the most popular game shows in America, the co-host of one of the most popular talk shows in America, the star of one of the most successful sitcoms in the history of American television, and the other guy who became Governor of California.

Posted by August J. Pollak at 10:03 AM

July 8, 2009


If you refuse to enjoy this, you don't belong on the internet.

(With apologies to everyone in CWA who refuse to enjoy this)
Posted by August J. Pollak at 1:37 PM


If you refuse to enjoy this, you don't belong on the internet.

Posted by August J. Pollak at 1:37 PM

July 7, 2009

Okay, this is just sad

Fox News claims 35,000 people showed up in Dallas on July 4th for an anti-Obama "tea party" rally, that just, umm... happened to also be one of the places where fireworks were being held.

Here is a picture of the daytime rally crowd from the organizers' own website.

Also, here's a picture of Harvard Stadium, which seats 32,000, because there is no limit to how hard you should laugh at these people.

Posted by August J. Pollak at 12:24 AM

July 5, 2009

So what'd I miss?

Back from being out of town for two weeks. Hope nothing really interesting happened.

Posted by August J. Pollak at 3:31 PM